April Movie Night - "Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe"
Monday, April 8, 2024
Movie starts at 6:30PM
Yes, we know vaccines are a very hot button issue. We are showing this documentary to offer another side of the story. The side that doesn’t get press in the news. (just like ALL the monthly documentaries we are showing.) We are not saying this movie is the whole truth either. It is information to help you make informed decisions for your and your families health.
If this does not resonate with you, don’t attend. If you are open to learning more, welcome!
Doors open at 6pm.
Movie starts at 6:30pm
Free to attend.
Movie starts at 6:30pm
Free to attend.
Light snacks will be offered. Donations for snacks appreciated but not required.
MONTHLY MOVIE NIGHTS at The Guild will continue all of 2024. Mark your calendar for the *2nd Monday* of each month. Come see a new perspective, have a conversation, learn about something brand new and expand your knowledge. We all know KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!