November Movie Night – “72 Minutes”

November Movie Night - "72 Minutes"

Monday, November 11th, 2024
Movie starts at 6:30PM

We will be honoring our Veterans this Veteran’s Day by showing this powerful documentary.
Every 72 minutes, a US veteran dies by suicide. This film looks into the minds of veterans, many with PTSD, who’ve attempted suicide & survived. Directed by a Marine Corps vet, with the goal of empathy for vets & understanding suicide.
Doors open at 6pm
Movie starts at 6:30pm
Free to attend
Organic Popcorn will be available for free. Donations for snacks appreciated but not required.
MONTHLY MOVIE NIGHTS at The Guild will continue all of 2024. Mark your calendar for the *2nd Monday* of each month. Come see a new perspective, have a conversation, learn about something brand new and expand your knowledge. We all know KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!


October Movie Night – “Boobs: The War on Women’s Breasts”

October Movie Night - "Boobs: The War on Women's Breasts"

Monday, October 14th, 2024
Movie starts at 6:30PM

A subject near and dear to my heart as well as 1 in 8 women in our country. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. “Boobs: The War on Woman’s Breasts” Come watch this recent documentary with a different perspective…information you might want to be aware of as you make decisions for yourself and your health.
Doors open at 6pm
Movie starts at 6:30pm
Free to attend
Organic Popcorn will be available for free. Donations for snacks appreciated but not required.
MONTHLY MOVIE NIGHTS at The Guild will continue all of 2024. Mark your calendar for the *2nd Monday* of each month. Come see a new perspective, have a conversation, learn about something brand new and expand your knowledge. We all know KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!


Open House at The Guild of Modern Wellness

Open House at The Guild of Modern Wellness

Friday, September 27th, 2024
5 - 8 PM

  • Come tour our whole big beautiful building.
  • Meet all of our amazing practitioners.
  • Watch dance demonstrations in the ballrooms.
  • Hear about future plans we have! 
  • AND there will be SPECIAL Open House deals!


We have been working our tails off for several years to make The Guild of Modern Wellness an oasis of healing. Come see how we can help you. 
See you there!


September Movie Night – “The Disruptors”

September Movie Night - "The Disruptors"

Monday, September 9th, 2024
Movie starts at 6:30PM

ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed-and widely misunderstood-neurological conditions in the world today, affecting nearly 10% of kids and a rising number of adults. But what if having an ADHD brain is actually an asset? The Disruptors hears from many game-changing people about their ADHD.
Doors open at 6pm.
Movie starts at 6:30pm
Free to attend.
Light snacks will be offered. Donations for snacks appreciated but not required.
MONTHLY MOVIE NIGHTS at The Guild will continue all of 2024. Mark your calendar for the *2nd Monday* of each month. Come see a new perspective, have a conversation, learn about something brand new and expand your knowledge. We all know KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! 


August Movie Night – “I’m Not Crazy, I’m Sick”

August Movie Night - "I'm Not Crazy, I'm Sick"

Monday, August 12th, 2024
Movie starts at 6:30PM

Lyme Disease is wreaking havoc on millions of lives. Over 476,000 new Lyme disease cases emerge each year, yet many medical professionals often dismiss or overlook this debilitating condition. Lyme patients frequently feel lonely and isolated, struggling to receive proper support. Through the films inspiring stories, “I’m Not Crazy, I’m Sick” serves as a call to action to understand and support the millions worldwide living with this devastating illness.
 If you are currently dealing with Lyme or Mold issues, check out our Lyme and Mold Support Group.

Doors open at 6pm.
Movie starts at 6:30pm
Free to attend.
Light snacks will be offered. Donations for snacks appreciated but not required.
MONTHLY MOVIE NIGHTS at The Guild will continue all of 2024. Mark your calendar for the *2nd Monday* of each month. Come see a new perspective, have a conversation, learn about something brand new and expand your knowledge. We all know KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! 


July Movie Night – “What The Health”

July Movie Night - "What The Health"

Monday, July 8th, 2024
Movie starts at 6:30PM

“WHAT THE HEALTH” is the groundbreaking follow-up film from the creators of the award-winning documentary Cowspiracy. The film exposes the collusion and corruption in government and big business that is costing us trillions of healthcare dollars, and keeping us sick. “What The Health” is a surprising, and at times hilarious, investigative documentary that will be an eye-opener for everyone concerned about our nation’s health and how big business influences it.
Doors open at 6pm.
Movie starts at 6:30pm
Free to attend.
Light snacks will be offered. Donations for snacks appreciated but not required.
MONTHLY MOVIE NIGHTS at The Guild will continue all of 2024. Mark your calendar for the *2nd Monday* of each month. Come see a new perspective, have a conversation, learn about something brand new and expand your knowledge. We all know KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! 


Lyme Fight Club – June Meeting

Lyme Fight Club - June Rally

Tuesday, June 18th, 2024
Meeting starts at 6PM

Guest Speaker: Crystal Gillett NP from Provita Wellness
Q & A panel: please submit questions via Facebook DM
Are you or a loved one struggling with biotoxin illness? You are not alone. Let’s connect, share our experiences, and learn from one another.


June Movie Night – “The Earthing Movie”

June Movie Night - "The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding"

Monday, June 10th, 2024
Movie starts at 6:30PM

This is a feature-length documentary that reveals the scientific phenomenon of how we can heal our bodies by doing the simplest thing that a person can do…standing barefoot on the earth. Over 20 peer-reviewed studies have shown that Grounding (Earthing) reduces inflammation…one of the most damaging internal biological processes that leads to chronic disease. So get out there and put your feet on the ground, and/or increase your grounding time indoors with grounding products. Your body and mind will thank you! 

Doors open at 6pm.
Movie starts at 6:30pm
Free to attend.
Light snacks will be offered. Donations for snacks appreciated but not required.
MONTHLY MOVIE NIGHTS at The Guild will continue all of 2024. Mark your calendar for the *2nd Monday* of each month. Come see a new perspective, have a conversation, learn about something brand new and expand your knowledge. We all know KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! 


Lyme & Mold Support Group – May Meeting

Mold & Lyme Support Group - May Meeting

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024
Meeting starts at 6PM

Are you or a loved one struggling with boitoxin illness? You are not alone. Let’s connect, share our experiences, and learn from one another.
Join Us at The Guild of Modern Wellness May 21st at 6:00pm for our Mold & Lyme Support Group meeting! 
Also, mark your calendar for our Documentary Movie Night on Monday Aug 12th for the new Lyme Documentary called “I’m not Crazy, I’m Sick”.


May Movie Night – “Root Cause”

May Movie Night - "Root Cause"

Monday, May 6th, 2024
Movie starts at 6:30PM

“Root Cause” is a feature length documentary featuring opinions from doctors and dentists from around the world, that try to postulate the health effects of the root canal procedure. “Ninety-eight per cent of women that have breast cancer have a root canal tooth on the same side as their offending breast cancer.” Root Cause is one man’s personal journey of self-discovery and subsequent attempt to prove that a long accepted safe procedure might have health impacts.
 Doors open at 6pm.
Movie starts at 6:30pm
Free to attend.
Light snacks will be offered. Donations for snacks appreciated but not required.
MONTHLY MOVIE NIGHTS at The Guild will continue all of 2024. Mark your calendar for the *2nd Monday* of each month. Come see a new perspective, have a conversation, learn about something brand new and expand your knowledge. We all know KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!